Thursday, September 25, 2008

posting google docs

post a google doc, click share and then publish as web page on your documment. publish it and then copy the web address. post it in here.

How i can use igoogle in the classroom

What we learned with igoogle will help us in the classroom with communication just by being organized. igoogle has so many ways to keep your events on order and can help you remind yourself what is coming up.  So many time i am planning on doing something and then when it comes to do it there are a lot of times i forget and with this website you can program it to remind you. Another nice thing about it is the calendar that we posted on our blog. This calendar it a good way of letting other students, teachers, and even parents know what is coming up and they are able to check it whenever they want. This is such a good way to keep organized.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I have been thinking of some goals that I want for this class and the ones that I came up with are;
~Learn more about blogging and feel comfortable with it.
~Be better at creating charts and the different formats on Word.
~Learn the web cam.
~To use the computer to organize all my school work and to access it easily. 

Thursday, September 11, 2008

First Post

I'm Lindsey Evans Boskovich, I am still in the process of changing my last name from my madain name to my married name. I have been married for almost a year now and I am loving married life! I am going tinto elementary eduction because I am hoping to make a difference in the lives of little children.
I am pretty good with using technology, I know most of the basics. Such as power point, surf the web, word, blogging, and much more. Once I
 am taught how to use different technology I am pretty good at catching on.
I think having technology in the education system is very important because the world around us is continually growing in the technology area. And it is an important skill to know how to use technology to prepare you for the world. We are able to do so much with technology now. And it advances all the time. It is such a wonderful thing to have for education. Children are becoming smarter and smarter with computers and we are able to do so much more now with the technology in life.