Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Chapters 5&6 Fulfilling the Promise

Chapter 5
While reading these chapters I pulled out a few things that really stuck out to me and so I will just go through and list what had meaning to me.
-Society holds us to make sure that we are helping our students understand, develop the knowledge and skills required to be "fulfill and productive members of society." When reading this it made me think that, that is a large part of why we teach if not mostly why we teach. At first when I read this it brought stress to me because that is a big deal and everyone is counting on me as a teacher to succeed in this. Then after I thought about it for a minute it made me feel important and showed me that teaching is so much more than what people give us credit for. With big goals comes big achievements.
- "We cannot teach the breadth of the entire world and at the same time achieve any depth of understanding" (p.28) I feel this way on so many occasions. I feel that sometimes as teachers we are so worried to get through our curriculum and don't realize that the students would benefit so much more if they could get a deeper understanding of a lesson before moving to the next. When you take the time to get deeper into a topic it forces the students minds to go deeper and therefore grow.
- When we study and don't make meaning of what we are learning then how do you expect to remember it down the road or even be able to use it. This has happened to me a lot growing up. My husband is able to retain so much information because he was given the time and talent to go deeper into the subjects where I on the other hand forget what I learn hours after I have taken the test. I feel that a lot of times when you give tests that students cram for the test instead of truly understanding the material. So I hope that as a teacher that I can make my lesson unforgettable and fun for the students at the same time.
-Important curriculum will help students to realize these four things; "1. What we study is essential to the structure of the discipline. 2. What we study provides a roadmap toward expertise in a discipline. 3. What we study is essential to building understanding in the discipline. and 3. What we study balances knowledge, understanding, and skills." (p.60)
- As teachers it is our job to plan our lessons towards giving out students a "high level of competence with the knowledge, understanding, and skill we have deemed critical." I feel if we as teachers put this on a high level that students are more likely to achieve it.
- Making our lessons irresistible to the students will help them to love learning and want to push themselves to success.
- "However we conceive it, every lesson plan should be, at its heart, a motivational plan." I love how this is worded. I would have to agree with this completely. What better way to teach then with the heart of motivation.
- Classes that are more demanding for students give the students more respect for that themselves and the class. I would not have though this a few years ago because i was always scared of demanding classes (classes the require your best) but ever since being in the Elementary program I agree. I have so much more respect and confidence in myself and my classmates.
- Making a connection with students interests and dreams by letting them know that they are cared about is a great way of teaching. It is the way of teaching that every child hopes for.

Chapter 6
- A teacher who wants to make connections with their students are called fox-taming teacher. They understand their students as individuals and knows their needs, dreams and potentials. They will go the extra mile for their students and is always thinking about their students and how they can help them to succeed. This sounds to me like a wonderful teacher. I am making a goal right now to be more like this when I am a teacher.
- "Help Students Discover How Ideas and Skills are Useful in the World." Being able to teach a lesson and have the students relate the lesson to real life will help them to retain the information and feel connected with it.
-"Look for Fresh Ways to Present and Explore Ideas." By doing this it will help students to keep attention and not get bored with the curriculum. Making if fun and interesting will also help them become more excited to learn and explore.
- "Share Your Experiences and Invite Students to Do the Same." When doing this it will help the students to get to understand you as the teacher and also help the teacher to get to know the students. By doing this it build a comfortable learning environment.
- "Provide Choices That Ensure Focus." Everyone not only students want to have choices. It gives them the sense of maturity and freedom. Make sure that you give them choices that no matter what will push them to their fullest potential.
- Aim High. There are many of us that underestimate what children/students can truly accomplish. By aiming high gives the students a level at which they can strive for and push to get to their goals.
- "Help Student's Realize Success Is the Result of Effort." A lot of times children just expect things to happen to them with out putting any work into it. I did this exact thing when I was younger. But to teach a child to work hard and earn their success helps them to realize their abilities and strengths. I wish that I was taught this at a younger age or maybe I should say I wish I understood this at a younger age because it helps the student be believe in themselves.
- "Use Think Alouds" To have the student verbalize what they are thinking will not only benefit them but also their peers by helping them come up with ideas or comments.
-When a student want the teacher to invest in them and then the teacher agrees. "the teachers are guided by these three assumptions; 1. Because I see your value, I will connect with you. 2. Because I see your uniqueness, I will come to you on your own terms and in accordance with your own needs. 3. Because teaching is part of connecting, I will honor you by teaching you what matters most in your life."
Reading these chapters helped me see things more clearly and understand more of the kind of teacher I want to be. A lot a quotes from these chapter worded it perfectly for me to help me think deeper.

1 comment:

Teacherheart said...

I love WHAT you understand about these chapters, and HOW you understand it! I'm impressed to want what you want, in my own teaching! (You said, " I feel that sometimes as teachers we are so worried to get through our curriculum and don't realize that the students would benefit so much more if they could get a deeper understanding of a lesson before moving to the next." That's a big thing for me. I want to be better about this, too). Great responses! 4 points